The experience of being a victim of a crime can be isolating and distressing and having someone to lean on can provide a sense of comfort and understanding. If you have been a victim of crime, it is crucial for you to seek and receive emotional support during your journey to recovery. The impact of a traumatic event can be overwhelming, and having emotional support can make a significant difference in your healing process. By expressing your feelings and experiences in a safe and supportive environment, it can help you begin to heal and rebuild your life. Emotional support can come from trusted friends, family members, support groups, or professional victim support associations who specialize in assisting victims of crime like VSM.

Find emotional support

We are here to offer you phone, written and online emotional support as well as offer different activities to help you on your healing journey. Our comprehensive database contains qualified victim support associations around Morocco that offer physical emotional support services near you. These associations understand the unique challenges faced by victims of crime and provide a safe space for you to find the support you need. Trained professionals and volunteers are ready to offer you emotional guidance, active listening, and practical assistance tailored to your situation.

Reclame your life

Feeling safe again is one of the toughest challenges after being a crime victim, both in public and at home. It’s crucial to prioritize your safety and seek the right tools for your recovery. These may include exercises, confiding in a trusted friend, or seeking professional help when available.  Starting from summer 2023, we will launch online yoga classes as well as online / physical art and self-defence classes and self-help groups helping you on your recorvery path.


Victim support self-help groups offer a valuable resource and can provide a supportive space where you can share your experiences, emotions, and challenges with others who understand. Sharing within a non-judgmental environment can be therapeutic, fostering personal growth and reflection. Collective wisdom empowers informed decision-making on the healing journey with others having faced similar challenges. 


Self-defence lessons can be instrumental in empowering you after having been a victim of crime. Learning practical self-defences techniques equips you with the knowledge and skills to protect yourself and regain a sense of personal safety. These lessons not only teach physical techniques but also boost your confidence, situational awareness, and assertiveness, enabling you to navigate potentially dangerous situations with greater resilience.


Yoga can be a powerful tool for healing and regaining control over the body and mind after experiencing the trauma of being a victim of crime. It provides a space to regain a sense of control, reconnect with your body, and rediscover inner strength. Yoga can help foster self-acceptance, and self-care, allowing self-expression and empowerment on your healing journey. 


Engaging in artistic lessons can be a transformative and healing experience allowing you to process and release emotions related to the traumatic experience you have been though. Artistic expression can foster self-discovery, self-empowerment, and a renewed sense of identity and purpose. Handcraft lessons, such as pottery, painting, or knitting, provide a meditative and immersive experience that promotes mindfulness. 

Impact of crime

Being a crime victim can be distressing, regardless of the crime. Shock, disbelief, and a sense of unreality are common reactions. Emotions like sadness, grief, anger, fear, and anxiety can be overwhelming. The duration of these effects varies, with some healing quickly and others taking years. Your reaction depends on factors like the crime, personal traits, age, and support available. Remember, there are no “shoulds” in how you feel or cope. Any changes in your emotions may stem from the traumatic experience. You may experience some or all the following feelings:

  • Of being alone, or maybe of going out because now anyone could be the perpetrator of the crime
  • Of returning to the place where the event occurred
  • Of the same thing or something similar happening again
  • Of being (further) victim blamed because you reported the crime
  • Of breaking down and losing control
  • Beacuse this has happened 
  • Beacuse of the senselessness of it all and lack of proper understanding by others
  • Because of the slow pace of the justice system in investigating the crime, or charging someone with the crime
  • Because of yourself being in this situation, or for not coping better with the situation.
  • Because the perpetrator is being unaffected by your suffering and by what has happened.
  • Denial that it happened. It may even seem unreal
  • Like a nightmare you cannot wake up from, or something that has not really happened
  • Disbelief that this could happen to you
  • Numbness – it may feel as if this has happened to someone else, not you
  • Or you may have no feelings at all
  • Because you feel you might have avoided or prevented the crime 
  • Because you will start thinking “if only you had ….” 
  • For surviving the event, or for not seeming as badly affected as other involved 
  • That the same thing could happen again
  • About any contact with strangers or people approaching
  • For sudden noise or unexpected movement
  • Feelings of irritation as well as having a short-temper with people around you, and other painful emotions
  • You may feel vulnerable because something you thought could never happen to you happened
  • You may feel helpless because you could not control or prevent this happening
  • You may believe that you do not have control over important areas of your life anymore
  • You may think that everyone know what happened and are talking about it behind your back
  • You may feel that the world is not the safe, comfortable place you thought it was
  • In addition, you may also experience physical symptoms. Many people suffer headaches, backache, nausea, faintness, sleeplessness, flashbacks, disturbed dreams and nightmares, difficulty eating normally, stomach upsets and other physical problems. Its all your body processing what happened to you.